I've blogged about
Seasons Fit before and I've mentioned how
Qi Athletic Club & Seasons Fit combined earlier this fall. Well I captured some great shots for their website & promo materials.

My favorite class is Spin-Yoga. You can catch me in Dawnelle's 7am class on Tuesday and Thursday and Raven's noon on Friday.
30 minutes of intense spinning...

followed with 30 minutes of refreshing yoga...

The gym portion of Qi is wonderfully equipped and they offer personal training with some enthusiastic, educated and super friendly trainers! I'm getting a great taste of these machines while I'm doing the Boot Camp for the next 4 weeks - whew! That's a kick in the butt right there - 6am on Tues, Weds & Thurs I meet up with 20 other work-out junkies and do crazy circuit training drills for 60 minutes...love it!